
TMNT Pain Ch.16

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

Ya wanna war…ya got one; Gotta tell dad

It’s been about a month since Leo saw Ricky and been sent to jail. Leo couldn’t be happier that Ricky’s gonna be in jail for life and not bother him no more. He and Raph have gotten closer and Leo wants to tell Raph he loves him. He also wants to tell his father the truth about him and Raph. Leo decided to let April tell their dad about her relationship when she was ready, which made April happy that Leo trusted her.

It was almost Valentine’s Day and Leo wants to tell Raph he loves him. He decided that he’ll make them something to eat and go to the park and eat their dinner. Leo just hoped Raph liked his gift.

Leo just left his 7th period class to go to his locker to put his books in but before he got to his locker he saw Usagi. Leo smiled and walked over to him to see how he was doing.

“Usagi! It’s nice to see you again. How’ve you’ve been? How’s Talia doing with the baby?” Leo asked with a smile on his face. Usagi smiled at his friend.

“It’s nice to see you too Leonardo. Talia is doing very well. Her and my son is doing very well.” Usagi smiled as he brought out a picture of him, Talia and his beautiful baby boy. He had his rabbit ears like his daddy, and cat eyes like his mama.

“He’s beautiful Usagi…Congratulations! What’s his name?”

“He’s name is Hiroki. We call him Hiro-chan, or Hiro-kun for short. He’s the best thing that’s happened to me Leo…Sigh…I love him and Talia very much. How are you and your boyfriend Raph doing?” Usagi asked as he put his wallet away with his picture.

“We’re doing very well. He’s really sweet. It’s hard to believe we’ve been dating for 6 months now.” Leo said with a smile on his face. Usagi smiled back happy to see his friend happy.

“I’m glad you’re doing okay Leo. Well, I gotta get going or I’ll be late for work. Take care Leo.” Usagi said as he patted Leo’s shoulder and walked away from Leo.

Leo just smiled and began to walk toward his locker. Leo opened his locker and he was shocked to see what was in his locker. There was big red letters on the inside of his locker saying “WE’RE COMING!” Leo covers his mouth in surprise. He then noticed the Foot gang symbol; he recognizes that symbol anywhere.

Leo shakily brought out his cell phone from his pocket to call Raph. He was happy that it was just him in the hallway right now because he couldn’t handle other people now.

“Ay baby, what’s wrong?” Raph asked over the phone.

“R-Raph…I…I opened up my locker and there are big b-bolded letters saying “WE’RE COMING!” inside my locker with the Foot gang’s symbol.” Leo said in shaken voice.

“WHAT?! I…I’m on my way right now, ya don’t leave that building, you stay at yer locker! What’s yer locker number?!” Raph asked in a panic voice. Leo could tell Raph is speeding now.

“My locker n-number is 297, top locker.”

“I’ll be there soon! Do NOT move!” Raph yelled and he heard him hung up. Leo sighed and put his cell back into his pocket and sat down on the floor waiting for Raph.

Leo couldn’t help but think, how did they find out he was dating Raph, was he and his family in danger again, will he lose someone he loves again? His thoughts were interrupted when he heard Raph’s voice.

“LEO! Where the hell-LEO!!” Raph said looking around and when he turned around he saw him and ran over to Leo sitting down. Raph got to Leo’s level and hugged him tight.

“Babe ya alright?” Raph asked as he looked Leo over. Leo slowly nodded. Raph kissed his lips and he got up to look into his boyfriends locker and right there were the words in dark red that looked like blood, and the Foot’s gang symbol on it. Raph felt the words to see if it was blood, much to his relief it was just red paint. Raph punched the locker next to it making a dent. Leo would usually have felt bad for the kid’s locker but he really didn’t care at the moment.

“Grr! So Oroku…Ya wanna a war…Ya got one ya son of a bitch!” Raph said to himself as he punched the locker again.

“Raph please calm down…Punching the locker isn’t gonna help us…Just take a breather…I’m scared too.” Leo said looking up at Raph trying to get him to calm down.

Raph brought both his hands on his forehead to calm himself down. Raph was boiling mad. How DARE Saki threaten HIS boyfriend! He wasn’t getting away with this.

“Raph…I’m scared…” Leo said softly making Raph look down at Leo. Raph gave him a sad look and kneeled down to his level to try and comfort him. Raph wrapped his arm around Leo’s shoulder to make him lay his head down on his shoulder.

“I’m scared too baby…But I’m gonna do everythin’ in my power….ta keep you and yer family safe. Saki will PAY for threating ya!” Raph said with a growl which made Leo shiver from hearing Raph talk that way.

“Raph…What am I gonna do? Now I’m gonna be terrified to come to school or go anywhere! Not to mention…My sister…my father…I…I can’t lose someone else I love again, I can’t!” Leo nearly yelled as he stood up to put his books in his locker, and leave. He’s happy it’s Friday because he would have missed the next day of school.

After Leo put his books in, he practically ran out of the school but Raph grabbed Leo’s arm to stop him.

“Baby calm down! I won’t let ANYONE hurt ya or yer family! Ya know that.” Raph said turning Leo around to make him look at him but Leo was looking at the ground with tears about to fall from his eyes.

Raph hugged Leo to his chest and kissed his head a few times to calm him down. Raph then took out his cell phone to call one of his members Rocko.

“Yo Rocko its me. I want ya ta spy on The Foot and if ya see any of them don’t show ANY mercy! YA HEAR ME?! NONE! Beat them till they wish they were dead and bring one of them ta me. Saki just made a threat on Leo and he’s gonna pay!” Raph yelled through his phone as he walked Leo out to his truck. Raph opened the door to let Leo in and Leo just put his seat belt on and watched Raph outside on the phone with some guy named Rocko.

While outside Raph was checking everywhere on his truck before he got in, even underneath it. Raph saw nothing and he got into his truck still on the phone.

“We need ta make these motherfuckers pay! I’m gonna call Donnie and tell’im. Just tell the crew what I said and figure out how the hell they found out who I was datin’ cause if I find out it’s from one of ya’ll yer gonna be walking with yer hands! Understand?! Kay…talk ta ya later Rocko.” Raph said as he hung up his cell phone and began to call Donnie.

“Yo Donnie, where ya at? April with ya? Good don’t take her home…The Foot found out I’m dating Leo and wrote in his locker, bring April to the hide out so we can think of plan. Watch yerslef and April bro, love ya.” Raph said and hung up his cell and began driving toward the RayGunz hideout.

“R-Raph are we really going to your gang’s hideout?” Leo asked nervously. Raph noticed he was nervous and he grabbed his hand to comfort him.

“They’re a good group babe and I won’t let’em hurt ya. They know not ta mess with me. And…we can’t afford to have The Foot know where ya live. I hafta think of a plan ta keep ya safe…and…yer gonna hafta tell yer dad so he’ll know where ya at cause…I don’t know when this Foot shit will blow over…I’m sorry baby.” Raph said looking at Leo for a moment and back at the road.

Leo sighed and rubbed his head in frustration. He wished they could leave him and his family alone. He just wants to be happy with his sister, father, and Raph.

Raph then pulled up into an abandon building that showed that it was RayGunz turf. Leo was a little nervous but Raph rubbed Leo’s shoulder to calm him down.

“It’s gonna be okay baby…I won’t let’em mess with ya.” Raph said as he winked at Leo and Leo blushed and smiled at him.

Leo got out of the truck and Raph met him on the other side as he brought his arm around Leo’s shoulder. The RayGunz just looked at Leo but said nothing; they knew not to piss off their boss.

Raph brought Leo to a little office that only Raph and certain people are allowed to enter. Leo moved away from Raph’s arm to sit on the couch to calm down and think. He has no idea on what to do. He hasn’t been this scared this he saw his mother got shot.

Raph was about to sit next to Leo but he heard a knock on his door which made him look through the peek hole to see it was Donnie and April.

Raph opened the door and Donnie came in with April looking worried just like Leo. April saw Leo and she ran over to her and to hug her big brother. Leo just rubbed April’s head to calm her down. He has to be strong now for his sister.

“Hey calm down April…I’m okay sweet heart…You okay?” Leo said as he moved April to make her look at him and he gave her a small smile to calm her nerves.

“I’m f-fine. B-But Leo! The F-F-Foot gang w-will hurt you just like with m-m-mama! I don’t want to lose you Leo! I can’t! *Sob*” April cried as she cried into Leo’s chest. Leo was doing his best not to cry but he couldn’t stop the tears from falling. Leo held his sister tightly and whispered into her ear to calm her down.

The Ray brothers just watched the ones they love crying, and worrying about each other. Both Raph and Donnie were beyond pissed off. They are gonna make Saki pay for this.

“What did the message say in Leo’s locker?” Donnie asked Raph not taking his eyes off April. When Donnie heard The Foot threaten Leo, he knew there’s gonna be bloodshed.

“It said ‘We’re coming!’ in big bold red letters that looked like blood. I checked and it wasn’t thank God. We can’t take them home…Sigh…I gotta think of a plan.” Raph said not taking his eyes off Leo. Everytime he thought of Leo’s scared look he grows angrier. He’ll make Saki pay.

“Leo…W-We h-have to tell daddy! I d-don’t want d-daddy to be hurt!” April said as she moved her head away from Leo’s chest. Leo looked at his sister with a sad look. He knew they have to tell their father who their dating and about the Foot.

“You’re right April…we gotta tell dad…Sigh…I just don’t know how to…” Leo said softly. He knew he had to tell his father sooner or later…but he was afraid of how he’ll react and now…he wished he told him months ago.

“Yer gonna have ta meet him somewhere that da Foot no nothin’ about. We can’t afford ta let them know anything. Tell him ta meet ya at the park. Da Foot doesn’t hang around there so dat should be a great place ta meet at.” Raph said making the Hamato siblings look at Raph. Leo nodded and got out his cell to call his dads work.

“Hello...This is Leonardo Hamato, I’m Splinter’s son, can I please talk to him it’s an emergency…yes I’ll hold thank you.” Leo said as he held April’s hand to find some strength. He knew his father was gonna be worried when they tell him it’s an emergency.

“Leonardo?! Are you okay son, what’s wrong?!” Splinter said over the phone in a frantic voice.

“Father, calm down…I’m alright…for now…” Leo said quietly which made Splinter more worried.

“What do you mean “For now” Leonardo please tell me what’s wrong! Is your sister alright?!”

“She’s fine daddy…Sigh…We…We have to tell you something but…we can’t tell you at home. C-Can you meet me and April at the park we used to go to all the time…It’s REALLY important that we meet there.” Leo said in a shaken voice.

“Sigh…A-Alright son…I’ll meet you there in 10 minutes. I love you and April both son.” Splinter said in a worried voice that broke Leo’s heart.

“We love you too daddy. We’ll see you soon…bye.” Leo said and hung up his phone and he began to cry a little bit. April hugged her brother.

“C’mon guys…let’s get you two to the park.” Donnie said as he made his way toward them. April moved away from Leo’s chest to hug her boyfriend and he just hugged her tighter and walked her out of the room leaving Raph and Leo alone.

“C’mon baby…Donnie and me will be there fer ya and April…We’ll get through this.” Raph said as he offered Leo his hand. Leo looked at Raph’s hand and Raph’s head. No matter what they’ve been through, Raph has been his rock…He couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend. Leo smiled and took Raph’s hand and Raph pulled Leo into a hug.

“I love ya Leo…I won’t let anythin’ happen to ya…I’ll protect ya…Heh…I know yer dad might kill me though.” Raph said trying to ease the tension. Leo chuckled a little bit but not a lot. He just hoped his father will understand.


At The Park:

Splinter was sitting at the park’s parking lot leaning against his car. He is beyond worried about his children. He hopes they’re okay. They’re all he has left in this world and he will do anything to make them happy and safe. When he lost his wife he’s been protective of his children ever since…He loves them to death and will protect them with his life.

“Daddy!” April yelled causing Splinter to jump a little and have a red head in his arms. Splinter just hugged his daughter tighter to his chest. Splinter then moved her away from his chest to look her over to make sure she’s okay.

“Y-You seem alright…Sigh…Where’s your brother?” Splinter asked. April was about to answer but Leo came up to them with Raph and Donnie close behind him.

Splinter looked at his son and he could tell right away something was wrong. Leo looks shaken and scared of something. He hasn’t seen him this scared since…his mother’s death.

“Leonardo…Oh thank goodness you two are alright!” Splinter said as he quickly hugged his son. He moved away from his son to look him over as well and he seems uninjured much to his relief.

“I’m sorry for scaring you father…but…me and April have some important things to tell you…something we should have told you months ago…and…something that just happened.” Leo said trying to keep his voice even which was hard cause felt like he was about to cry.

Splinter just looked at his two children wondering what they could possibly have to tell him. He was a bit worried. He’s children never kept secrets from him…they’ve always told him what was happening…

“W-What is that you have to tell me my children…you know you can tell me anything…” Splinter said trying to calm his kids nerves because he can tell they were scared to death of his reactions.

“I’ll go first daddy…I was the first to tell Leo…and now…I’ll tell you my secret then Leo will tell you his…is that okay?” April asked fidgeting with her shirt. Splinter nodded and waited for April to continue.

“Sigh…Okay…Donnie come here please.” April said and Donnie came over to stand next to April giving Splinter a nod. This was Splinters first time seeing this young turtle. He knew who Raphael was, but not this young turtle.

“Dad…This is Donatello Ray, Raphael’s younger brother…and…he and I’ve been dating for about 9 months now…” April said slowly and Donnie wrapped an arm around April’s shoulder to show to Splinter it was the truth.

Splinter’s eyes widened. His little girl has a boyfriend…and he never knew for 9 months?!

“Why didn’t you tell me you had a boyfriend April? You told me of your other boyfriend Casey…what makes this young turtle different?”

“Sigh…I didn’t tell you…because…Donnie is part of a gang…a gang called The RayGunz…” April said softly as she watched her father’s reaction.

Splinters eyes widened. He was shocked beyond belief. He never would have thought his daughter would even consider dating a ‘gang’ member, since the accident with her mother. Splinter wasn’t happy…but he wished April would have told him she was dating someone.

“Sigh…April…why didn’t you tell me? If…If you would of talked to me…I may understand…I…sigh….I don’t know what to say or do…What made you want to date a ‘gang’ member in the first place?” Splinter asked trying his best to remain calm.

“Daddy…The gang Donnie’s in isn’t like the Foot or the other ones. They fight to stop other gang members from making other kids join them or kill innocent lives. The RayGunz FIGHT the Foot. The very people that took our mother away! They lost someone they loved to the Foot gang as well and…Dad…I know you may not like me dating Donnie…but I love him…and he loves me….So…I-I hope you don’t hate me…Sigh…It’s Leo’s turn…after this we’ll talk more.” April said to her father when he was about to ask more about the situation.

Splinter stopped himself from asking more questions of his daughter. He took a deep breath and waited for his son to tell him what his secret is.

“Father…I-I know you’re thinking why I didn’t stop her…but father she’s so happy with him and I couldn’t just tell her no. I’ll admit when she first told me…I was scared and worried…So I asked her to let me met him and I did. He was nothing but a gentleman dad and I can tell he loves her a lot…and…that’s how I met Raphael dad.” Leo said with a sigh as he looked down at the ground.

Splinter’s eyes widened. Not only was his daughter dating a gang member…his son is too?!

“Leonardo..! I…Sigh…Don’t tell me…your dating Raphael…and he’s in the gang as well?” Splinter asked rubbing his forehead in anger.

“I am dating Raph Father…but you’re only somewhat right about the gang part.” Leo said softly worried about telling his father that his boyfriend is the gang leader.

Splinter just looked at Leo and at Raph. Raph wasn’t fazed by Splinters glare. He didn’t care if he supported Raph and Leo’s relationship or not, he was still going to be with Leo and he won’t let anyone stop him.

“What do you mean Leonardo?”

Leo took a deep breath. Raph wrapped his arm around Leo to calm him down. Raph didn’t care if Splinter liked it or not. He’s going to comfort Leo whether he likes it or not.

“Raph isn’t just a gang member dad…He’s…He’s the leader of The RayGunz.” Leo asked as he watched his father’s reaction and his father was shocked and it looked like he couldn’t believe it and was somewhat disappointed.

Leo lowered his eyes to the ground not wanting to look at his father’s disappointed eyes. He couldn’t help who he falls in love with.

Splinter rubbed his forehead in frustration and he took a deep sigh.

“Father I know you’re disappointed in me…but that isn’t important right now…The Foot Gang knows I’m dating Raph…and they sent me a warning in my locker. It said “We’re Coming!” That’s why I called you dad…Raph believes its best if April and I don’t go home. If they find out where I live…they’ll hurt you and April…So…I have to hide…” Leo said looking his father in the eye and staying firm. He knew his father is really upset about this.

“This wouldn’t have happened if you haven’t dated this man Leonardo! Why did you do this to your family?! For the thrill, or for something else?!” Splinter yelled making Leo cringed and he almost cried.

“I would never put you or April in danger! You know that father!” Leo yelled back tears falling as he moved away from Raph’s hold. Raph was shaking in anger when Splinter yelled at Leo. Donnie had to put his hand on his brother’s shoulder to keep him calm but he knew it wouldn’t last long.

“You did when you dated this man! You should have never given him the time of day. You should have just left when you found he was a gang leader. Leonardo…I’m disappointed in you…” Splinter said which broke Leo’s heart.

Leo moved his eyes from the ground to his father eyes and he can see clear disappointment in his eyes. Leo closed his eyes and let the tears fall. He took a deep breath to calm him down.

“Whether I disappoint you or not father…I can’t help…I can’t help who I fall in love with.” Leo said softly with a blush. Raph blushed and he stood up straighter. He actually believed his heart stopped for a minute but it just fluttered more than it has ever done before. Donnie smirks at his brother and elbowed him one time but Raph paid him no mind. His eyes were on Leo. April smiled at her brother’s confession.

Splinter’s eyes widened in disbelief. He never wanted Leo to date another guy since the Ricky accident and now this!

“Leonardo…Do you not remember what that last boy did to you?! What makes this man any different? He’s a gang leader, and he can make you do things you don’t want. And I for one-“

“HOLD IT POPS!” Raph yelled interrupting Splinter. Splinter looked at Raph with wide eyes. Raph hasn’t said a word to them. He was trying his best to give him respect because he’s Leo father…but the moment he compared him to Ricky he drew the line there.

“I ain’t like that asshole Ricky! I never laid a hand on him or hurt him in any way! I love your son, and I don’t care if you support us or not, because I ain’t leaving him! Oh and news flash, Ricky came ta Leo’s school a few days ago and guess who was there to teach him a lesson…ME! I protected Leo and I WILL protect him even from YOU! I wasn’t gonna say anything ta ya because yer Leo’s father…but don’t ya DARE…compare me ta Ricky!” Raph said not moving his eyes from Splinter’s.

Splinter’s eyes were in disbelief yet again. This night keeps surprising him. He couldn’t believe Ricky had the nerve to come back and bother his son…If Leo didn’t have Raph to call…there’s no telling what Ricky would of done…

“Leonardo…why didn’t you tell me about Ricky? Did…Did he hurt you?” Splinter asked giving his son a sad look.

“He…He did punch my cheek dad…He wanted me to leave with him and I told him no. But before all that happened I text Raph and he rushed over and stopped Ricky from hurting me anymore…Ricky’s also been sent to jail for murder.”

“Murder?! W-Who did he kill?”

“He killed an officer trying to escape. If it wasn’t for Raph…he would still be lose…Thanks to this man you’re giving me a hard time on…has put a murder behind bars…I know you’re concern about me and April dad but you don’t have to be. I haven’t been this happy in a ‘long’ time father. I actually smile more than I use to…I don’t cry myself to sleep anymore…I just smile when I sleep…Daddy…Raphael makes me happy and I love him…I…I just want to let you know that I may not be home for a while because of this. I’m sorry I endangered you and April, that’s the last thing I wanted to do…But…It’s like mother always said…You can’t stop your heart from falling in love even if you want it too.” Leo said with his cheeks soaked in tears as he looked at his father in the eyes.

Splinter never knew Leo was still hurting so bad. It broke he’s heart to know what his son was going through…and this man that Leo met has made him smile and no longer cry. Raph has nearly healed Leo’s pain and Splinter can see it.

“Sigh…I’m so sorry Leonardo…I never knew you went through so much pain…And…I’m sorry that I said I was disappointed in you…I’m so afraid of losing you and April I go overboard with what I say and do…I love you and April very much and…If these boys make you two happy…I’ll put my differences aside for you two’s happiness.” Splinter said with a little smile.

Leo smiled and gave his father a huge hug and Splinter tightens his hug. April went over toward Splinter and Leo and they had a family hug. Splinter rubbing both his kids’ backs, and telling them how much he loves them.

Splinter moved his head up to look at Raph and Donnie. They both were just standing by waiting to see what happens.

“I would like to apologize Raphael…I’m just very worried about my kids…I don’t really know what I’m saying half the time…Sigh…Thank you for being there for my son…and thank you as well Donatello for being there for my daughter.” Splinter said with a sad smile.

“It’s cool Mr. H. I’m sorry I snap at’cha. Just didn’t want ta be compared ta that prick Ricky.” Raph said with a smile on his face with his arms cross.

“So…where are you two going to be hiding at? I have to think of a place myself.” Splinter said as he moved away from his kids to look at them.

“I got a place that da Foot know nothin’ about. I bought it a few years back. It’s an old building I found and got it remade. The Foot know nothin’ of it so they’ll be staying there. There’s enough room fer all of us ta stay. What about ya Mr. H; do ya need me ta let in my place as well?” Raph asked trying to help out his boyfriend’s dad.

“I have a close friend from work I can stay with. I’m sure if I explain the situations, he’ll let me stay with him for a while.” Splinter said with a sad smile.

“I’m sorry I caused this dad…” Leo said starting to feel guilty.

“Son…I’m not angry at you…It’s like your mother…you can’t help who you fall in love with. The only people at fault are the Foot. Raphael, Donatello…please take care of my children…they’re all I have left.” Splinter said to the Ray brothers with a desperate look in his eyes. Raph and Donnie nodded at Splinter.

“Ya ain’t got ta worry about that Mr. H. Donnie and I will protect them with our lives. Ya need anythin’ Mr. H here’s my cell phone number if ya need ta call me. If ya see any Foot around the area ya in, let me know so I can get my guys ta help out.” Raph said giving his cell number to Splinter. Splinter smiled as he took the piece of paper with the number on it.

“Well…I better get my stuff packed up and head on over there. Leo, April; do you two need me to get some of your stuff?” Splinter asked his kids.

“I just want my clothes and laptop please daddy.” April said with a smile.

“Yeah…I just want my clothes, books, and laptop as well too dad. But please don’t stay long…just get what you need and leave and call me when you get to your friends.” Leo said in worried voice. Splinter nodded with a smile as he rubbed his son’s head.

“I will son…I’ll talk to you two later…please be safe. I love you both very much.” Splinter said as he hugged his kids one more time and made his way into his and left the park.

“SIGH! Man I thought my heart was gonna pop. Being this scared is causing me a heart attack.” Leo said as he put his hand on his chest to calm his pounding heart.

April just smiled as she rubbed her brother’s shoulder.

“It could have been worse Leo. At least he knows and he’s giving our relationship a chance. Sigh…So how about we head out…I’m sleepy. It’s almost 10:30 p.m. and I need to sleep.” April said as she covered a yawn. Donnie just laughed at his girlfriend as he put his arm around her shoulder.

“Okay princess; let me take you to our secret home. See you two later Raph.” Donnie said as he took April over to his car to drive them to the secret house.

Leo yawned a bit himself making Raph laugh at him and he wrapped his arm around Leo’s shoulder. Raph kissed Leo’s forehead and he looked him in the eye which was making Leo squirm from his heated gaze.

“W-Why are you looking at me like that?” Leo asked as he played with Raph’s jacket zipper. Raph thought that action was cute. Raph just chuckled and he kissed Leo’s cheek.

“So…ya love me huh baby?” Raph asked in a husky voice that sent shivers down Leo’s spine.

Leo blushed blood red his whole face, neck, and ears were red. He never thought telling Raph face to face. He just wanted to let his father know he loves him and now…he’s about to tell Raph face to face which made him nervous.

Raph just smirked when he saw Leo blush and fidgeting with his zipper. Raph wrapped his arms around Leo’s waist as Leo just kept playing with his zipper.

“I…Y-Yes I…I love you Raph…” Leo said as he looked up at Raph with a shy smile. Raph gave Leo a huge smile. He never felt so happy…the person he loves…said he loves him back. Now he’ll definitely protect Leo with all his might. Raph rubbed Leo’s cheek and smiled at him. Leo just smiled back.

“I love ya too baby…I won’t let Saki get ta ya...” Raph said with a little smile. Raph gave Leo a chaste kiss which made Leo shiver as he wrapped his arms around Raph’s neck.

Raph moved his mouth away from Leo’s to give him another smile. Leo then yawned which made them both laugh.

“C’mon baby…lets go so we can some sleep.” Raph said as he walked Leo toward his truck. Leo just nodded because he was almost asleep.


Ch.17: Have to go to Fanfic to read ch. 17 dA took it down -_- here's the link-->…

Ch. 18: dragonballzfan101.deviantart.c…

Sup dudes and dudettes! So sorry I haven't been on here. My internet was out of wack, but it's working now thank goodness!:phew:

Here's a chapter for waiting so long! Hope ya'll like it!:love:

~*~Peace Out!~*~:icononioncleanplz:

TMNT(c) Nick

Story(c) DragonBallZFan101

© 2014 - 2024 DragonBallZFan101
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KSL100's avatar
Why?! Why couldn't you carry him bridle style?! That would have been so cute! X3